Care Team FAQ

Our Delfina Care platform seamlessly integrates into your existing workflows to facilitate continuous pregnancy care and optimize operational efficiencies, allowing you to focus on what matters most.



What is Delfina?

Delfina is an innovative machine learning-powered data management platform committed to enhancing and supporting the existing relationship between healthcare providers and patients, with a focus on improving the health outcomes of pregnant patients and their babies. We're developing a data-driven care platform that equips providers with valuable insights to guide and empower patients on their pregnancy journey. Our platform offers personalized guidance, lifestyle health management, and facilitates direct support from their trusted care team.

What is the Delfina Care Program for?

Partnering with your clinic so your patients can use Delfina’s pregnancy app, which will continuously evaluate personal risks for pregnancy complications, helping your care team proactively intervene, and continually reassure your patients when everything is healthy and normal.

What do we offer patients during pregnancy?
  • Remote patient monitoring option: Includes connected devices (blood pressure cuffs and glucometers, as directed by the provider) for tracking vital signs, and weight scales.

  • Daily mood tracking to monitor emotional well-being.

  • Telehealth services: Access to lactation, mental health, exercise and nutrition support.

  • Engagement with Delfina Guides for personalized assistance.

  • Collaboration with local community doulas for added support.

  • Educational content to address ongoing needs and experience throughout the pregnancy.

  • Delfina Group Classes for mental health, nutrition support, exercise, and lactation.

  • Up to 12 months of ongoing engagement in the postpartum period.

What are your postpartum offerings?
  • Up to 12 months of ongoing engagement in the postpartum period.

  • Remote patient monitoring as appropriate.

  • Mood tracking to monitor emotional well-being.

  • Telehealth services: Access to lactation, mental health, exercise and nutrition support.

  • Delfina Group Classes for mental health, nutrition support, exercise, and lactation.

  • Engagement with Delfina Guides for personalized assistance depending on the payor program.

  • Collaboration with local community doulas for added support. 

  • Educational content to address ongoing needs and experience throughout the postpartum period.

Does it cost a practice anything to participate?
  • There is no cost to the practice.

  • Health plans currently cover Delfina Care for their members.

  • We're interested in understanding your funding sources for pregnant patients.

  • We aim to explore a financial model for Delfina Care and your practice, which may involve funding from health plan payors, grants, or government sources. This model will align with collaboratively defined goals for pregnant patients.

  • A&A Women’s Health in California (Deployment date 6/1/2022)

  • Center for Women’s Health in Houston in Texas (Deployment date 1/1/2023)

  • Mayo Clinic Mankato (Deployment date 1/1/2024)

  • We collaborate with all OB/GYN providers in each practice.

  • As of 10/2023, serving 900+ patients with onboarding averaging 21 per week.

What is the patient engagement rate?
  • 64% engagement rate in weekly prenatal care

  • 84% engagement rate in monthly prenatal care 

  • This number represents an average across February through September 2023 of the percent of activated CFWH patients that had at least one RPM entry (mood, symptom, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar) in a given month.

What does the patient experience look like for patient-provided data and engagement through the app?
  • Patient Logging: Log symptoms, assess daily mood, and input weekly weight for timely provider response.

  • Monitoring Criteria: Patients eligible for blood pressure or glucometer monitoring typically log BP twice a day and glucose four times a day.

  • Clinician Discretion: Clinicians decide on RPM device assignments and may adjust monitoring frequency.

  • Educational Content: App offers self-directed content on pregnancy stages and postpartum care.

  • Engagement Promotion: Encourage patient meetings with Delfina Guides and participation in Delfina Group Classes.

  • Monitoring Engagement: Guides track RPM device and app engagement, addressing inconsistencies personally.

What differentiates Delfina from competitors?
  • Closed-Loop Data Platform: Delfina Care's distinguishing feature is its "closed-loop" data platform, using multiple data sources to provide actionable insights to the patient's primary OB clinician through the Provider Dashboard to most appropriately direct care management.

  • Provider Efficiency: At Delfina, our primary focus is on enhancing provider efficiency. We achieve this by presenting continuous patient data and valuable insights in an easily accessible manner. This approach not only streamlines the care process but also ensures that the primary OB clinician stays closely connected with patients between visits, allowing for early intervention when needed. Our ultimate goal is to proactively address issues remotely, eliminating the need for additional and time-consuming steps typically required. This not only prevents unnecessary OB triage utilization but also significantly reduces the volume of phone calls and clinic visits. By reducing phone calls and unnecessary clinic visits, we not only foster provider efficiency but also enhance the overall patient experience.

  • Proactive Care: Delfina employs predictive analytics to proactively manage pregnancy care. We analyze comprehensive pregnancy data to predict the need for interventions that reduce the risk of complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or macrosomia.

  • Early Predictions: Predictions are made early in pregnancy, often at the first prenatal care visit, through the Provider Dashboard. Clinicians can then decide to initiate relevant interventions.

  • Enhanced Standard of Care: Unlike competitors who primarily rely on remote blood pressure monitoring, we go beyond by using machine learning models to identify patients who would benefit from early interventions, helping prevent the onset of conditions like preeclampsia.

What is the provider workflow?
  • Continuous Data Monitoring: Providers receive ongoing patient data through the Provider Dashboard, which offers a high-level summary of their enrolled patients. This includes vitals out of range, patients awaiting intervention, and the latest data inputs for each patient.

  • Customized Workflow Integration: Recognizing variations in provider workflows across practices, we strive to understand the unique needs of each practice. Our goal is to tailor Delfina Care to seamlessly integrate with and enhance these workflows, ensuring a personalized approach.

© 2024 Delfina · 2021 Fillmore St, Ste 37 · San Francisco, CA 94115